Ted Cruz Makes It Official And Announces His Presidential Run On Twitter

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While a buttload of other potential candidates dance around answering the question of whether they’re running for president, one such politician has finally issued an official response: Senator Ted Cruz announced his intention to run for president in 2016 on Twitter just after midnight, hours ahead of a scheduled appearance this morning:

In case you didn’t think that video was laying it on thick enough, Cruz made his announcement in person at Liberty University, the evangelical college founded by Jerry Falwell, whose son introduced Cruz after a convocation and a performance by a Christian rock band.

Cruz emerged as a leading voice for the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement, which has made him the bane of establishment in Republicans’ existence. He’s known for scaring children, for not understanding the internet or the environment, for reading Dr. Seuss that disproves his own point as a filibuster on healthcare, and for being born outside of this country, but it doesn’t count because that other country is Canada, I guess?

Anyway, Ted Cruz to the future, you guys.

(Source: Twitter, New York Times)