Trump Reportedly Believes That The Promise Of Bringing Back ‘Firing Squads’ Will Get Him Reelected In 2024

As Donald Trump mulls over how best to run for president again in 2024, the potential Republican nominee is reportedly laser-focused on giving Americans what they truly need during these trying times of pandemics, inflation, and train disasters:

Public executions.

According to sources, the former president has allegedly been asking associates what they think of firing squads as he mulls a new tough-on-crime initiative that will reportedly go big on public executions that could also could include guillotines, hangings, and group killings by the state. Trump reportedly believes going full dictator on criminals will distinguish him from President Joe Biden, who has notably not tried to behead people in a concerning effort to look badass. Via Rolling Stone:

In at least one instance late last year, according to the third source, who has direct knowledge of the matter, Trump privately mused about the possibility of creating a flashy, government-backed video-ad campaign that would accompany a federal revival of these execution methods. In Trump’s vision, these videos would include footage from these new executions, if not from the exact moments of death. “The [former] president believes this would help put the fear of God into violent criminals,” this source says. “He wanted to do some of these [things] when he was in office, but for whatever reasons didn’t have the chance.”

For the record, an anonymous spokesman for Trump has denied that the former president is trying to bring back firing squads.

“More ridiculous and fake news from idiots who have no idea what they’re talking about,” the spokesman said. “Either these people are fabricating lies out of thin air, or Rolling Stone is allowing themselves to be duped by these morons.”

(Via Rolling Stone)