President Trump attended the College Football Playoff National Championship Game on Monday, and almost immediately, people noticed he didn’t seem to remember the words to the Star-Spangled Banner. While there were other reasons Trump has been having a bad week, this is probably the one the internet has mocked him for the most. And it’s only Tuesday. And now, just in time for the push to humpday, the Bad Lip Reading team has arrived with their take.
Bad Lip Reading has mocked Trump before, most notably over Christmas. But probably the most notable thing is that, well, even they’re baffled, at least at first, as to what he’s saying, and these guys can pull words out of thin air for pretty much everybody. They’re pretty much reduced to guesswork, humming sounds and grunts, until finally, we get towards the end of the song and “Beautiful Tanya.”
Hopefully, POTUS doesn’t make a habit of giving goofy YouTube channels ample comedy fodder. Then again, considering how much Trump loves the cameras and putting video of himself out there, even when he’s only a few feet away from the people he’s sending the message to, that may be a little too much to ask.