Trump Managed To Outdo Himself With A ‘Smocking Gun’ Tweet, And He’s Predictably Being Ridiculed For It

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Donald Trump is clearly feeling the pressure from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation closing in — if his Twitter account is any indication, anyway. The president’s tweets have been even more screamy and unhinged than usual since the documents dropped on Friday, and Monday morning was no exception. At 5:46 a.m. (which feels important to note), Trump seemingly tweeted something he saw while watching Fox News during executive time.

“‘Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey’s testimony. No Smocking Gun…No Collusion,'” he tweeted, tagging the right-wing cable news network. “That’s because there was NO COLLUSION. So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution,…”

He then followed the comma/ellipses cliffhanger with a second tweet once again pointing the finger at his former private attorney and fixer Michael Cohen (because that seems to be a strategy working out well for him).

Aside from the fact that the “simple private transaction” he’s referencing is his lawyer paying off a porn star to stay quiet about their allegedly “textbook generic” sexual encounter — yes, the President of the United States misspelled the word “smoking” not once, but twice.

As you can imagine, the rest of Twitter took this development completely in stride:

Not for nothing, but the word “smockin” has a root in meme culture, typically used next to a photo of Jim Carrey’s weird looking stunt double from the set of The Mask. What a world we live in.