With harrowing stories coming out about Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K., and many others, some of us may be dreading whatever fresh hell awaits us in our news feeds. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear about nice people for a change?
A mainstay of weird Twitter kicked things off by requesting “nice allegations” about celebrities:
if anyone has any nice allegations against a celebrity that would be great too. does a famous actor give good christmas presents. does lady comedian alwyays smoke people out
— BAKOON (@BAKKOOONN) November 9, 2017
People shared anecdotes about their purported experiences with entertainers who were nice. Some of the stories are downright surreal. Just try to imagine Danzig lecturing kids about healthy habits, Keanu Reeves diligently picking up litter, Johnny Cash watching the moon landing while high, and Sinbad jauntily doffing a frozen treat at EPCOT.
at a Danzig show in high school, a bouncer got me & my friend backstage. lots of teens hanging out, thinking we were going to party SO hard! Glenn finally came out, talked to everyone about healthy choices & weight lifting, and made every kid take a piece of fruit when we left. https://t.co/4JOdyvuDHD
— jessica maskwell (@yayponies) November 11, 2017
My husband sat next to him at a film festival event in SF a couple years ago. When it was over, Keanu stayed and picked up other people's trash.
— Susie Cagle (@susie_c) November 11, 2017
Comedian Sinbad once saw me eating a Nestle's Frozen Crunch Bar at Epcot Center, walked over to the ice cream vendor and bought one himself, and then tipped it to me like you would a top hat, smiled and walked off. It was a great day.
— Kevin (@kezdawg) November 9, 2017
And some of the anecdotes were downright heartwarming:
Bob Ueker sounds fun:
As does Michael Keaton (always my Batman).
And other celebrities were reportedly kind to coworkers on set:
Lucy Liu is otherworldly nice even if you're a lowly PA on the set of her TV show
— rachel (@rachelmillman) November 10, 2017
Former stars of Doctor Who are as nice as you might imagine:
David Tennant not only graciously accepted an academic paper from a random fan in the Richard II stage door line but actually read it and sent me an appreciative note about it
— Mephistopheles S. Pumpkins (@angevin2) November 9, 2017
As are the stars of good show The Good Place:
all of the 6 lead actors on the good place are unbelievably kind, cordial, and complimentary, in addition to being way funny & talented
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) November 10, 2017
And some of the tweets made us miss Carrie Fisher all over again.
Danny Devito got at least a couple of shout outs.
Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman let me stay with them when my mom was in the hospital for cancer surgeries
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWilson) November 10, 2017
Some of the stories were sarcastic.
Sway once gave me the rest of his yogurt when he got full
— Many Eyes (@manyeyes_music) November 9, 2017
But most of them were in earnest.
Can confirm. Chatted @ a con with Romero since he was signing outside of posted autograph hours. No line. Husband and I’s first date was all Romero movies. He said that sounded “horrible”. Haha
— Deirdre Statham @deirdrestatham@bbq.snoot.com (@deirdrestatham) November 10, 2017
harmony korine paid for a pack of smokes i was short for in a deli once
— BAKOON (@BAKKOOONN) November 9, 2017
I met Justin Timberlake when he was doing sound mix for the Jonathan Demme concert doc and when I asked him if the movie was a sequel to SILENCE OF THE LAMBS he laughed super hard and told me I’m “great”
— Hunter Lurie (@hunterlurie) November 10, 2017
Michael Emerson did a show at my theater & spent a day planting flowers in a patch of dirt in front of the rehearsal hall. They were pretty.
— 👻👻👻 joy meads 👻👻👻 (@capnjoy) November 11, 2017
you know who smells good as hell? christopher walken
— BAKOON (@BAKKOOONN) November 9, 2017
Finally, let’s all hope and pray Tom Hanks never changes.
(Via The Mary Sue and BAKKOOONN)