The Kryptonian god Rao has come to deliver the Earth from, well, everything bad. Or so he promises. As anybody who reads superhero comics knows, anybody showing up claiming to be a god who wants to solve all your problems is even more suspicious than your average supervillain. Sure enough, Rao has turned out to be less of a benevolent god who loves everyone and more of a creepy mind-controlling cult leader who can overwhelm pretty much any society he’s confronted with.
The good news is that Superman has shaken off his mental control, so the JLA still has their biggest gun in Bryan Hitch’s story. But that may not matter very much, as Rao is taking over Atlantis at speed and pushing into Wonder Woman’s home of Themyscira. Of course, fighting off squads of Amazons is easier said than done, as Rao and his cult are finding out the hard way…
To see how the League takes Rao to church, pick up Justice League of America #6, on stands this Wednesday both in shops and digitally.