A Bizarre March By White Supremacists In D.C. Ended With Them Getting Stranded In The Cold

White supremacy is a bigger problem than ever, but at least a recent gathering ended with some of its adherents getting humiliated. As per The Daily Beast, a white nationalist group known as Patriot Front marched on Washington D.C. Alas, not only did they do little but prove a nuisance, but the night ended with them getting stranded in the December cold.

The march, whose numbers swelled to over 100, founds its participants stomping through the city, chanting about how they wanted to “reclaim America.” They all wore the same uniform, including white gaiters, blue jackets, khaki pants, and brown boots. Their presence sparked fear among the populace and the police, no less because it was the same group, under a different name, involved in the deadly Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017, which ended with someone associated with them killing a counterprotester.

Luckily, there was no such grim end at this march. Instead, the night ended in rank embarrassment. When the march was over, it turned out they forgot to plan on how to get home:

Members of the group had waited in a one-way roundabout to depart in one of the U-Hauls they had used to transport themselves for the rally. But the large rented moving van could not fit them all, so many of them were forced to wait in 45-degree darkness as the bulky orange vehicle made multiple trips over the course of nearly three hours.

Then again, if waiting around in the cold before being crammed into a U-Haul truck is the worst thing that happened to bigots, then they got off easy. Sadly, Donald Trump didn’t call them “very fine people,” as he was too busy accidentally telling the truth about the 2020 election.

(Via The Daily Beast)