Bernie Sanders’ Endorsement Of Hillary Clinton Leaves The Internet Feeling Conflicted

Bernie Sanders finally endorsed Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire at a joint rally on Tuesday, which completes a task that’s long been expected of him. After 14 months of sometimes contentious campaigning that pushed Clinton to the left on some issues, including her new debt-free college plan, the Vermont Senator is ready to commit himself to his former rival’s campaign.

“Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nominating process,” Senator Sanders acknowledged, “And I congratulate her for that. She will be the Democratic nominee for president, and I intend to do everything I can to make certain that she will be the next President of the United States.” He also seemed to address those of his supporters who have pledged their allegiance to Donald Trump, stating, “If you don’t believe this election is important, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump will nominate, and what that means to civil liberties, equal rights and the future of our country.”

The internet was quick to pick up on Sanders’ perceived discomfort, and rushed to quip about it.

Others, mainly of the #BernieOrBust crowd, weren’t so quick to follow their leader to the Clinton train.

And, of course, someone did this.