Caitlyn Jenner Documented Herself Using The Ladies Room At Trump International Hotel

Caitlyn Jenner took Donald Trump up on his progressive stance on LBGT people being able to use any bathroom they feel comfortable with, by using a ladies room at the Trump International Hotel during a recent trip to New York City. And like a true 66-year-old woman, she had someone document it by filming vertically and then posted the video to her Facebook page just like your mom would.

In the video, she exclaims, “Oh my god, a trans woman in New York, I gotta take a pee!” and then “Oh my god, Trump International Hotel, I love this!” like the whole thing just happened completely spontaneously, because if anything it’s clear she’s learned a thing or two during her years on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Jenner then explains how Trump had invited her to “take a pee” anywhere in a Trump facility, so she intended to do just that.

Once inside Jenner says, “M, not anymore!” as she bypasses the men’s room. Thankfully, the cameras don’t actually follow her into the ladies room to document the actual taking of the pee itself, but when Jenner emerges, she says to the camera, “Thank you, Donald. I really appreciate it — and by the way, Ted, nobody got molested.”

I guess it’s pretty clear at this point that Jenner is no longer interested in being Ted Cruz’s “trans ambassador,” following his disgusting remarks that trans people should use their own bathrooms at home. Baby steps, Cait.