Leah Remini broke free from a lifetime of Scientology (she was a second-generation member of the organization) in 2013 and never looked back. In a series of interviews and a book, aptly titled Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, the King of Queens star has let her thoughts be known on what many describe as a cult (which carries plenty of accusations of brainwashing, intimidation, and money-draining tactics). Now, she’s letting everything hang out in a special Reddit AMA.
Everything is messier on the Internet, and Scientology knows this. They are very unhappy about all those Xenu campfire stories making it into the public realm, although South Park can claim some credit for that too. Now, Remini takes great pleasure in discussing what many people have suspected (and heard) about her former religion. Here are some of the juicier selections, including what she thought of the famous OT Level III story about volcanoes and disembodied thetans:
CDougyFresh: How much did you pay to the church throughout your time there?
Remini: Millions.JMeJumps1: Are you still in contact with any friends that are still part of the church?
Remini: I am an SP (supressive person). You are not allowed to be in contact with an SP. I would love to talk to my former friends and see my goddaughter.MLP-e34-clopper: Do you remember what your initial reaction was upon first seeing the course materials for OT3?
Remini: Yes my first reaction was “Are you all f*cking nuts?” and then I looked at my mother and said “What kind of bullsh*t did you get me in?” My only option was to leave, but at the time my family was not ready to go. The “church” told me I didn’t need to believe it, just do it. And they always pose this question: “Are you ready to leave everything you’ve ever known?”Welsh_Dragon_Roar: If all Scientology’s secrets were revealed tomorrow, which do you think would be most shocking?
Remini: When you reach the top of The Bridge (OTP 8) you will be told that God is a lie for LRH, and there are more levels ahead, that will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is no end to Scientology.Legeto: When you were a Scientologist did you ever get any weird reactions from other famous people?
Remini: Weird reactions? No. I got appropriate reactions, “Why are you in this crazy sh*t?”Rach_alGhul: How are they able to recruit intelligent people into what appears to be an obvious scam and cult?
Remini: Most Scientologists are 2nd or 3rd generation, they were born and raised into an ideology and have been surrounded and isolated. It is all they know. They are victims. Most of the original Scientologists are all out and have spoken out. Unfortunately, their children were indoctrinated by them …. are still loyal, faithful and have cut off communication due to the policy of disconnection.
Remini is working on a TV series about Scientology, which revolves around how the organization “rips families apart.” This was her experience, and it is an almost universal account from all ex-members (who are also known as Suppressive Persons). You can read more of Remini’s AMA here.
(Via Reddit)