Stephen Colbert Puts Martin Shkreli In The Corner With One Solid Tweet

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Martin Shkreli is a fine face for trolling online, though it likely hurts his chances at being taken seriously during those TV appearances he gets to make thanks to the current EpiPen controversy. That’s how we ended up talking about Shkreli today, leading to this tweet from The Late Show referencing one of the opening jokes on Friday’s show.

Now being a vocal gent online, Shkreli noticed and replied his displeasure with The Late Show’s brand of humor:

As it turns out, Stephen Colbert was paying attention and took to personally responding to Skhreli’s criticism personally with this tweet:

From there, Stephen’s followers took the reply and ran with it. You can guess where it went from here:

All this silliness aside, Shkreli has come out to defend Mylan Pharmaceuticals and the price hike for the EpiPen. Following his comments calling them vultures in an initial NBC News interview, Shkreli has tweeted his defense of Mylan’s price hike — too low in his opinion — and has offered to actually testify to Congress over Mylan:

Shkreli famously evoked his fifth amendment rights during his last appearance in front of lawmakers, so it remains to be seen how this would play out. It could all just be trolling, after all.

(Via Forbes)