Conan Prods Aaron Rodgers About His Injury While Playing ‘Assassin’s Creed: Origins’ In The Latest ‘Clueless Gamer’

The latest Clueless Gamer continues Conan’s trend of inviting some of the NFL’s best onto the show to demonstrate their video game skills, but there was a special addition this time around. Aaron Rodgers would be a special enough guest on a normal show, but the guy just faced a season ending injury and that opened a lot of avenues up for Conan to be an ass for humor. That includes showing how Rodgers was injured using his prop master Bill Tull, a hammer, and a fake skeleton standing in for Rodgers. Conan also invited Packers offensive tackle David Bakhtiari to give his perspective on the injury and berate him for not doing more to protect his QB.

All of this plays out as the group plays through Assassin’s Creed: Origins, once again taking a backseat to everything else in the clip and giving no insight into the actual gameplay or story — all of which is fine because who really needs it. It’s got hippos, chariot driving, gladiator fights, and a massive map to waste time exploring. Conan also manages to stumble onto the developer’s god mode that makes the main character flap like a bird and fly through the assets without stopping.

While the Rodgers stuff and Aaron Bleyaert attempting to explain the game are highlights, the saddest/funniest part is when producer Jason Chillemi comes in to talk about how his fantasy football team has suffered thanks to the Rodgers injury. The whole point is so Conan can ask Bakhtiari to apologize for screwing up Chillemi’s team, something that sorta happens without the OT accepting fault. And why should he? If we learned anything from Bill O’Reilly, there is only one person to blame for any of this: Lemmy Kilmister.

The show also released some longer outtakes from the segment, with a longer intro for Conan and Rodgers and a challenge against Bakhtari for a fight that starts fair before ending up completely silly.

(Via Team Coco)