Daniel Bryan’s Advice To Gamers: Get Drunk, Grow A Beard, And Go Outside, Dammit

I’m not sure I’d rank Daniel Bryan terribly high on my list of people I’d take lifestyle advice from. Dude’s dedicated his life to rolling around in his underwear in public, dumping himself on his head and a series of pretty regrettable haircuts. I’m not sure I totally trust his judgment. Then again, he is a former WWE Champion and popularized a pretty catchy chant. Also, Brie Bella. So, it’s kind of a toss up, I guess.

Well, as part of the WWE 2K16 promotional blitz, Daniel Bryan appeared on Giant Bomb’s Tiny Danswers podcast, and answered some questions sent in by regular gamers. Bryan’s life advice includes sage tips like “turn off the damn TV and go outside for once, jeez” and “you should get drunk and try to get girls to kiss you.” Also, if someone breaks into your house, you shouldn’t chase after the burglar and take them down like Daniel Bryan did. Well, unless you want to. Either way, Bryan won’t judge you.

Like most people, I want to see Bryan back in the ring, like, tomorrow, but until that happens, I’m quite enjoying this passive-aggressive “WWE won’t let me wrestle, so I’m just going to say whatever I want” promotional tour.

via GameSpot