Check Out ‘WWE 2K16’ Season Pass Info, New Create-A-Superstar And Match Footage And More

WWE 2K16 won’t lack for content, what with its 120+ characters, but there’s still more to come. Like pretty much all major games today, WWE 2K16 will have a season pass and we now know, generally speaking, what the season pass will contain thanks to a listing on the UK Xbox store. Here’s what plunking down an additional $30 for the season pass will net you…

– More than 30 additional wrestlers (both current and legends)
– More than 30 new moves
– Another WWE Showcase campaign starring a WWE Hall of Famer, featuring 7 matches
– The 2K Accelerator (basically, you pay to unlock things faster)

And no, before you start speculating, those 30 extra characters won’t include the Four Horsewomen, as 2K Games has specifically said they won’t be coming as DLC. Could they change their minds and get them in there? Conceivably, but absolutely don’t count on it. All of 2K16’s extra content will arrive before March 31, 2016.

Meanwhile, here’s some new WWE 2K16 media. First up, Vader vs. Rikishi in a BIG GUY FIGHT.

Next, here’s the 2K devs quickly scrolling through all the new finishers in the game. Keep a finger hovering over the pause button.

And finally, and most importantly, you can now design custom socks in the game.

So, aside from the Horsewomen, who do you want to see included in those 30 DLC wrestlers? Who do you think that bonus Showcase campaign will focus on? Just how hyped are you to start creating socks? WWE 2K16 arrives Oct. 27.

(Via The Smackdown Hotel)