WWE Has Released Brad Maddox And Ruined Our Holidays [Updated]

If you’re wondering why I’m flipping this table,

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Brad Maddox as of Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015. WWE wishes Maddox the best in all of his future endeavors.

That’s per WWE.com. Maddox had been with the company since 2010, where he performed as a wrestler, a referee, a Raw General Manager and a turkey being Tombstoned by The Undertaker on The Tonight Show. Maddox became a cult favorite (and one of With Spandex’s absolute favorite people in pro wrestling) thanks to his weird, awkward improv comedy skills, underrated acting ability and penchant for hosting news programs with adorable children. He never got a chance to shine as a wrestler on the main roster, and that’s a damn shame.

Edit: According to our sources, Maddox was released from WWE for calling the Indianapolis crowd “pricks” during a dark match. Seriously. Seriously.

We not only wish Maddox the best in his future endeavors, we’re gonna keep throwing praise at the walls of the internet until something sticks. Any wrestling promotion with a pair of eyeballs should scoop this guy up and give him a shot, and until someone is smart enough to do so, we’ll share a collection of his most notable Raw moments, which are … well, they’re moments.

You were too beautiful for this world, Beef Mode.