This Pro Wrestler Just Landed A Porn Sponsorship Deal Because Of Course He Did

If you think you could somehow escape Joey Ryan and his viral penis, well, you’re super wrong, and also that’s one of the weirdest sentences I’ve ever had to type. The ‘King of Dong Style’ has dedicated years to keeping it sleazy in his pro wrestling career, and now he’s further cementing that legacy by joining forces with internet porn provider YouPorn:

Ryan announced the adult entertainment endorsement deal via an interview with Rolling Stone (again, a very weird sentence). He’s named his new junk-based finisher “The YouPorn-Plex,” which, if you ask me, is a real dick move.

Though you won’t see him dicking down on their main page anytime soon, Ryan will be acting as a brand ambassador in his travels as an independent wrestler. YouPorn hats, YouPorn t-shirts, YouPorn gear, a YouPorn finisher, and I’m pretty his cheques are made of YouPorn.

The newly minted Lucha Underground performer is the first YouPorn ‘athlete,’ as the company already has a stake in the shockingly real eSports endorsement game. Ryan was quick to point out that a sponsorship like this leads to both ‘financial stability and career flexibility,’ things that not many of today’s independent wrestlers get a chance to have. So hey, if it means living in an era of pro wrestling being known to non-wrestling fans as ‘the thing with that guy’s intensely strong genitals,’ eh. I’ll take it.