Rey Mysterio Is Returning To WWE TV Soon And Will Re-sign With The Company Next Year

It’s been a rough 2014 for WWE, with one guy after another deciding they’d rather wrestle in Mexico, act or get punched in the face for real than stay with the company, but they are rounding out the year with at least one shred of good news – Rey Mysterio is returning to WWE.

Rey Mysterio’s WWE status has been an ongoing bone of contention for at least the past year. Mysterio was planning to let his contract run out and take some time off in early 2014, but WWE automatically re-signed him back in May while he was injured, claiming they could do so because Rey still owed them appearances. Rey wasn’t particularly pleased with WWE’s sneaky tactics, and has tried to get out his contract by showing up at AAA and Lucha Underground shows, and when that failed, just outright demanding a release. Throughout it all, WWE has remained firm – they were going to get the dates Mysterio owed them, and would very much like him to re-sign after they were used up. Well, it looks like WWE got its wish.

According to F4WOnline, Mysterio will be returning to WWE TV soon, and will re-sign with the company in May. So, what changed? Well, word is Vince McMahon has “loosened the purse strings” on a lot of things Mysterio has been requesting. Mysterio has wanted a Brock Lesnar/Chris Jericho-type deal with fewer dates and more time off for ages, and it sounds like he’s finally going to get that. Also, word is WWE is going to help line Rey up with more non-wrestling projects (movies, commercials and whatnot). Ultimately though, money was probably Rey’s biggest motivator – WWE wants him back bad, and they can pay more than AAA or Lucha Underground, plain and simple.

What do you folks think about Rey’s return? His last couple runs were pretty uninspired, but I have to think we’ll be seeing a somewhat remotivated Rey now that he’s got the deal he always wanted. At the very least, WWE will have to actually do something with the guy now that they’re paying out the nose for him.

via Wrestling Inc.