Roman Reigns Would Do Anything For His Dream Match Against The Rock, But He Won’t Do That

Roman Reigns did a Q&A session recently at the San Jose Wizard World Comic Con, and you will totally believe what happened next. When asked who his dream opponent would be, Reigns shockingly answered his cousin, The Rock:

“If you’re going to pick one, he’s the dude. I think it would have to be a very big match, not just a regular match. There would have to be a title, something that we are trying to win. That way, you have true competition, not just between each other, but for something. And I think the WWE Championship would be the best thing to put that on the line for.”

When questioned about the stipulation, he didn’t have any preferences, except the one he doesn’t want:

“I don’t like those. I’m all for toys and hitting and getting hit with stuff, but I just do not like ladders for whatever reason. I’d rather just beat the guy on the mat than climb up [a ladder].”

Fair, fair. I am way afraid of heights, also randomly hate home hardware items (sandpaper is the worst thing in the world), and skipped the day in gym class where we learned how to fall off of a 20-foot ladder. I feel you, bro.

Reigns then reached pretty far out of the box on who else he’d like to face… his boss, and that one really popular guy everyone but Kevin Sullivan loves:

“I’ve been in a couple of tag matches against Triple H. I would love to have a singles match with him. Let’s go completely different ends of the spectrum. I’ll fight Triple H or Kevin Owens.”

h/t Wrestling Inc.