The Guy Who Wrote John Cena’s Early Raps Says He Had A Plan To Turn Heel Five Years Ago

By now, most folks have come to terms with the fact that WWE is never, ever, ever going to let John Cena turn to the dark side, and I’m including John Cena himself in that statement. He has never publicly broken ranks on the issue, going so far as to say he’d never turn heel last August, but according to one of Cena’s friends, he may be singing a different tune behind the scenes.

Boston are rapper Esoteric recently appeared on the Asked podcast, and he had a few things to say about his buddy. According to Esoteric, he wrote a good portion of Cena’s early rap verses, including his very first one and ones for his career-making feud with The Undertaker…

“I got a call one day, ‘Yo, John used your verses in the ring the other night!’ and I was like ‘What?’

It was from this really, really old song that never came out. It was like, the first rap he ever did in the ring, and he just had it committed to memory, so he dropped it in the ring. I hadn’t seen him for a year at that point, and it turns out John is in WWE, and his gimmick is as a rapper, and he’s using my lyrics.

He would call me six hours before a show and be, ‘Yo, I’m going in the ring, I need some shit for the Undertaker, man. Can you come up with some lines about the Undertaker?’ My wife would be, like, what are we doing this evening, and I’d be ‘Listen, I have to write this Undertaker verse real quick.’”

I’m not sure if I’d admit that I wrote Cena’s raps, but I guess everybody needs something to hang their hat on. Even more interestingly, Esoteric claims that Cena wanted to bring back his heel rap persona a few years back…

“I’ve spoken to him about that stuff in the past. He’s had heel angles before that never came to fruition. Probably about, five years ago? It was something that he had come up with, and he had this concept and I was pretty excited to see it happen, but whatever, it never happened. He could definitely pull it off, but I think they’re just waiting for the right time. I know the young kids love him and the older people hate him, and they sell Cena Sucks t-shirts, but I think he’s getting money from everything.”

That about sums up the situation. If you want to listen to all of Esoteric’s Cena stories, you can do that below. I highly suggest it, particularly if you want to know what kind of shitty car John Cena used to drive.

Via Wrestling Inc.