WWE’s July Pay-Per-View Has A New And Bizarre Name

On Sunday, WWE will hold its Payback pay-per-view, which is somehow the first PPV since WrestleMania 33. Payback is going to be a weird melange of Superstars and matches before we get back to the brand-exclusive PPVs before SummerSlam.

A little while ago, WWE’s schedule revealed that the July 9 PPV would revive the “Bad Blood” event name, and now we have another couple tidbits of information about that PPV, which will take place in Dallas. The first bit of info is that it looks like this PPV will feature Brock Lesnar’s first Universal Championship defense, but the more pertinent and pressing news here is that the event has a new name, and you’ll never guess what it is.

Seriously, you will never guess. Are you ready for it? The event will be called …

Great Balls Of Fire.

No, really. The American Airlines Center sent out this official WWE hype video on Friday morning, and yep, it’s official. It’s really a PPV called Great Balls Of Fire. It has a logo and everything!


You know what this means: we should all immediately start speculating on WHY they’re naming this PPV Great Balls Of Fire. It’s probably not because Kane is coming back. That dude is on the campaign trail. And besides, Kane debuted at Bad(d) Blood anyway, so it would make MORE since to keep the original name.

My best guess? Given this is a Raw-exclusive PPV, Finn Bálor and Bray Wyatt will have an inferno match. Or some sort of match involving fire. Or hell, maybe Jerry Lawler will just pop in to toss one of his patented (patent pending, actually) fireballs. Let’s just get one very important thing clear: if Great Balls Of Fire doesn’t involve some match with fire in it, this is a massive failure from all involved.

Unless …

Oh god.

It’s going to be a match involving balls, isn’t it? Oh no. Oh no no no.