John Cena Claims He Now Regrets His ‘Part-Timer’ Comments About The Rock

John Cena made his big return to WWE on Tuesday night’s Smackdown Live, and finally embraced the (now-outdated) fan knocks against him by loudly proclaiming that he gets whatever he wants. This is the latest step in the evolution of latter-day Cena, as his increasing commitments in Hollywood have led to him getting tarred with the same “part-timer” brush that he once used to fuel his Twice In A Lifetime feud with The Rock.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot (and some time has passed), Cena sees the error of his ways in making “part-timer” a dirty word to wrestling fans. On Talking Smack, he was asked by JBL and Renee Young how he now feels about considering The Rock to be less committed to WWE due to his commitments as an actor.

“I consider what I said back then the stupidest stuff ever. I was looking at it through very blinded eyes, and I really wanted The Rock to come back to the WWE. And I figured that hitting him where it hurts would get him back to the WWE, and it worked. But I’ve apologized to him in person. I’m on the web for the world to see: I was wrong. He was right. He’s now the highest-paid actor in Hollywood. He has transcended this business. And I think any time a Superstar can give what he’s given to the WWE, and then transcend the WWE, that’s good for all of us.”

Renee Young, of course, then immediately congratulated Cena for his “SNL” hosting gig, subtly driving Cena’s point home. Now that he’s been to the top of the mountain (or at least has visited base camp), he finally gets that there’s no shame in being a part timer, especially when you can point people back to WWE for more of that good stuff if they like what you’re bringing to the table.

Or, you know, this is all just fodder for Cena’s awesome new “hypocrite” subtle heel turn. WHY WON’T YOU LET US LOVE YOU BY HATING YOU, JOHN?