‘Hannibal’ Gets A Happy-Go-Lucky Makeover With The ‘Friends’ Theme Song

Hannibal may have come to a glorious, albeit too soon, end this weekend, but something tells me that the “Fannibals” won’t let people forget about it for a long time. Fan videos are odd creations, sometimes choosing to be moody looks at various relationships, which is very fitting considering all the homoerotic brooding done on Hannibal. There are tons of videos out there just devoted to the longing stares between Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter.

Well, this video takes a different approach, using probably the only 30 seconds of smiling from the entire three seasons and creating a Hannibal version of the Friends theme song. Considering all of the cannibal jokes that Hannibal himself made over the course of the series, reimagining it as the darkest sitcom of all time isn’t completely out of left field. I mean, Tumblr is constantly putting flower crowns on these tortured characters, so a laugh track is really the next logical step.

If you had to pick one of the friends from Friends to be a cannibalistic serial killer, which would you choose? While a case could probably be made for Monica (chef) or Joey (what happens to all those women?), obviously it would be Ross.

(Via The A.V. Club)