Find Out What Happened When A Kid Tried To Give The Rock Fitness Advice

You’d think everybody in the world would recognize Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson by now, and that whenever he walks into a gym, the room clears out in a hundred-foot radius to let him do his thing. We’ve done updates about his crazy fitness regimen and 10-pounds of food diet plan, because his routine is fascinating and nigh impossible for mortal men. Also, his post-workout dance moves.

Sadly, not everyone recognizes The Rock at first. Some have to learn the hard way. A Redditor at r/fitness shared this story of a kid who misinterpreted Rock’s focus as weakness and got his drawers filled.

I used to go to the same gym as The Rock, and he’s notorious for doing extremely slow bicep curls with perfect form and max weight, and some kid next to him thought he was struggling so he made a comment about “maybe it’s too heavy” The Rock looked up from his intense concentrated gaze, the kid realized who he was talking to and just about sh*t himself.

You’ve just got to let The Rock be The Rock, man. If you follow him on Instagram, you know he needs personal time to (1) yell “FOCUS” at people/himself, (2) continue his sexual relationship with a talking treadmill, (3) mess around with animals, and (4) f*ck with anyone who comes near him.