Fighting games are already pretty… odd. If you don’t believe us, just watch the various trailers for Street Fighter V Capcom has been putting out. Still, ungulates beating the crap out of each other is a new one even for us.
If the art style looks familiar, there’s a reason: The game’s art direction is by Lauren Faust, who created My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Your characters include a cow, a reindeer, a llama, a unicorn, and a sheep who attacks you with sheepdog puppies, all of whom suspiciously resemble the main cast of Faust’s popular cartoon in personality. Needless to say, you’ve got customization options and can wander around looking for a foe or just to look at what other people are dressing their ponies, er, hoofed mammals in.
Yeah, it’s pretty weird, but if you look at the crowdfunding page, it has it all together; there’s a budget breakdown and they’re not promising anything ridiculous for the money. Well, aside from the fact that the game has a vaguely ridiculous premise, but hey, most games have those. If you’d like to see what My Little Pony would look like if it threw down, it’ll run you $15 on IndieGogo.
(Via VG 24/7)