A Little Boy’s Christmas Was Ruined By What Was Inside This PlayStation 4 Box

All 9-year-old Scott Lundy wanted for Christmas was a PlayStation 4. So, his dad Brian and step-mom Kristin got him one. Or so they thought.

“He got a PS4,” Brian told My Fox Boston, “and he says, this is the best present ever, this is the best Christmas ever.” Scott’s joy was quickly shattered when he opened the box, though. Inside was a wooden block in the shape of the game system, with a drawing and message scribbled on one side: “From cock and balls with love.” You’ll shoot your eye out with that thing, kid.

“He’s crying and he’s upset and he’s in the playroom by himself and he just wants to be alone so at that point. I was crushed,” said Kristin Lundy, his step-mother. (Via)

After a quick talk about the birds and the bees, the family took a trip to a Target in Saugus, Massachusetts, where “they not only gave us a new game system, but they also gave us a $100 gift card, as well as an additional game that the original game that was supposed to be in the box,” Kristin said.

Sounds like a potential plot for Bad Santa 2. Minus the happy ending. That movie will have a different kind of happy ending.

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(Via My Fox Boston)