This Lady Doctor Attacked An Uber Driver And Learned The Downside Of Internet Fame

Earlier this month, one angry Taco Bell executive attempted to sue the pants off Uber after throwing down in the back seat of some poor driver’s car. The story highlighted the downsides of Uber driving. You never know who will end up in the back of your privately owned car, and Ubers often cater to spoiled folks who need a quick lift home from drunken revelry. With this service, drivers don’t even enjoy the relative protection of a partition between front and backseat.

Uber driving grows ever more dangerous. In this video, a woman went ballistic after a driver refused her a ride (because she allegedly stole fare money). The woman aggressively pushed and kicked the driver before he pushed her away, and she fell onto the ground. This doesn’t deter her. The car appears dented, and perhaps that’s this woman’s doing, too. She certainly trashed the interior of the vehicle and gleefully emptied the driver’s belongings into the street. The woman’s outrageous behavior earned her instant internet fame.

After this mess went viral, many outlets reported the woman’s identity as Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon of the University of Miami. However, the school swiftly shut down this rumor with a Facebook post (since removed), which says Ramkissoon works for Jackson Health System as a year-four neurology resident.

Ramkissoon has been placed on administrative leave until an internal investigation is complete. She’s already Twitter famous and will have a hard time shaking off her new rep.

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