Donald Trump Drops Out Of The Fox News GOP Debate Because Of ‘Third-Rate’ Megyn Kelly

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Well, well, well. The big bad wolf may not be so bad after all. Donald Trump spent much of Tuesday soliciting opinions on whether he should participate in Thursday evening’s Fox News GOP debate. In response, Fox News trolled the heck out of him, and all of this really comes down to Trump being afraid of Megyn Kelly. Although Trump says he won the last Fox News debate (of course, he wins all of them), he wasn’t keen for another showdown

Kelly, of course, startled Trump in August when she dared to grill him on his “disparaging” remarks about women. He wasn’t prepared and ended up insulting Rosie O’Donnell and other women during his answer, and then Trump spent weeks calling Kelly “disgraceful” and lobbing giant “bimbo” tweets her way. All of this came from a man who thinks he’s fit for the highest office in the land.

The past few weeks have seen Trump resurrect his feud with Kelly in the lead up to the debate. He called her “so average” and unworthy of being wooed. Folks anticipated a delicious showdown between the two on Thursday. Yet on Monday, Trump started to make noises to Wolf Blitzer by saying he loves to debate, but he can’t stand Kelly: “I don’t like her. I’m not a big fan or hers. She doesn’t treat me fairly.”

Now … Trump has pulled out of the debate. Kelly’s own statement — that Trump could never handle international negotiations if he can’t handle her — now makes a comeback. Trump is terrified of a woman. Can you still “bomb the hell out of ISIS” when you can’t cope with some silly debate questions? Here’s the official word from Trump’s campaign manager:

An hour prior to the announcement, Trump spoke from Arizona where he called Kelly a “third-rate reporter,” who doesn’t deserve to work for Fox News. Does anyone else think he’s trying to get Kelly sent on another vacation?

Nick Corasaniti of the New York Times tweets that Trump is truly out, and his withdrawal is “not under negotiation.”