The State Department Is Officially Withholding 22 Of Hillary Clinton’s Emails As They Have ‘Top Secret’ Information

Democratic Candidate For President Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Vegas Area
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The State Department is releasing a new batch of emails on Friday, all from when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, but they will withhold 22 of them. This is because they contain “top secret” information.

The Associated Press reports that the emails were from the Democratic frontrunner’s unsecured home server, but that State Department officials will not disclose whether Clinton sent any herself, or what they describe.

Clinton maintains that she never sent or received any classified emails from her personal address. Her campaign opposes the classification of these emails, with her spokesman calling it “overclassification run amok.”

It was first discovered in March 2015 that Clinton was using a personal email connected to a home server to conduct State Department business when she was Secretary of State. Since then, there’s been controversy about whether sensitive exchanges were prone to hacking or leaking. This new batch is the first to contain “top secret” emails.

Clinton is still the frontrunner in national polls for the Democratic nomination. With the Iowa Caucus coming up on Monday, who knows whether this revelation will affect her chances. I bet Clinton is hoping that voters pull a Bernie Sanders and say “who cares” when they hear about this.

(via AP)