Check Out The Undertaker’s Hell In A Cell Cake On His 51st Birthday

The Undertaker turns 51 today. He can still deadlift over 400 pounds and hit a 40-inch box jump so don’t worry, it’s just a number.

The folks at Austin’s decided to surprise Taker with a Hell in a Cell-themed birthday cake, and if you need a little light in your life today, here’s a picture of The Undertaker looking grim and hard as hell near a festive dessert covered in toys:

The team at Onnit helped celebrate The Undertaker’s birthday by surprising him with a hell in a cell cake. The Undertaker is currently training at the Onnit headquarters with DeFrancos Gym getting ready for Wrestlemania.

Photo courtesy of @Onnit on Instagram.

Onnit Cinematographer/Editor Brandon Gray told me about the surprise, noting that they had to find a Toys R Us and scramble to put together the cage. They surprised him by luring him into the Onnit creative room after his normal workout in the gym, and that turned into everyone eating cake, watching old matches and sharing stories. Tell me you don’t want to live a life where you give The Undertaker cake and he hangs out with you watching wrestling. You’re living charmed lives, Onnit crew.

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