Felicity Quotes You Should Never Use At Work

Over the course of Arrow‘s first four seasons, as surely as Ollie puts arrows in those that have failed his city and as surely as Diggle is the coolest guy in the room, Felicity always manages to somehow make it awkward. Sure, we may not be around nearly as many shirtless, exercising coworkers as she does while serving as both mission control and a superhacker for the team, but we’ve all managed to jam a foot in our mouths occasionally. So, for those moments when things get a little too honest, just remember these Freudian (and sometimes not-so-Freudian) slips and feel good that you didn’t go that far.

“Hold on to me tight.” – Ollie

“I imagined you saying this under different circumstances.” – Felicity 

Felicity carried a torch for Ollie (or, at least, for his abs, for a long, long time) and tended to admit it during the most embarrassing of circumstances. Like, for example, this Star Wars-esque heist sequence, where the only way to get across a gap is for Felicity to cling tightly to Ollie, something she accidentally owns up to thinking about in a different context.

“I have time.”

Felicity is perpetually stuck organizing both the superheroics and lives of the various shirtless men she’s surrounded by, and in the third season Ollie gets some competition in the form of Ray Palmer, genius engineer, future Atom, and congenial cut dude. Naturally, Felicity sets aside some time in her busy schedule to explore the bounds of employee/employer sexual harassment/drooling. Priorities, people.

“What’s that for?” – Caitlin Frost

“Distracting me from work.” – Felicity

The first step to solving a problem is admitting it, something Felicity masters over four seasons. Unfortunately, that seems to be about as far as she gets, since her workspace is right in front of Ollie’s gym in their secret hideout — the gym where he does the salmon ladder repeatedly. Hey, she always gets the intel in the end, so perhaps Ollie times his workouts to her coffee breaks.

“Is that a Van Go-OH!”

Despite the fact that Felicity often winds up in situations where she stares at shirtless men for long periods of time, it’s important to note that she doesn’t seek out these situations. She’s slowly recruited onto Team Arrow for her abilities as both hacker and forensic scientist, eventually getting a computer in the Arrowcave right in front of Ollie’s gym, and Ray… well, Ray just seems to have zero grasp of personal propriety. Although if I had his abs, I’d walk around like they were a work of art too.

“All I did was stick something in you.”

We remain unfamiliar with Ray’s stance on International Women’s Day, but either way, Felicity should just be happy she doesn’t work with Sterling Archer (despite his rocking bod).

“And I love spending the night with you.”

We’ll point out she’s spent a year dancing around the fact she spends her nights helping a superhero apprehend criminals, at this point. Also, be glad that you don’t work with someone like Ollie who is constantly setting you up for awkwardness.

“It feels really good to have you inside me.”

Of course, there are also times where you can’t help but wonder if Felicity is doing this intentionally. Either way, whenever you say something awful to a coworker and have to cringe into your blotter, just remember these moments, and how things could be a whole lot worse.