These WWE ‘The More You Know’ PSAs Are The Gift That Keeps On Giving

WWE PSAs are the best. Best, of course, being a very, very loose assessment. We loved Nikki Bella’s anti-smoking ad, and were completely baffled but ultimately amused (if not for unintended reasons) by Natalya and Titus O’Neil teaming up against tobacco. Now, WWE and NBCUniversal have partnered to give us the gift of multiple The More You Know spots, and oh, what a wonderful gift it is.

Here’s Triple H on the importance of getting a good night’s sleep:

Was I the only one who expected him to follow “If you’re having trouble falling asleep” with a suggestion to watch his match against the Undertaker at WrestleMania 28? Remember, the WWE Network’s only $9.99 a month, kiddos!

Speaking of snoozeville, here’s the internet’s most maligned WWE Superstar Roman Reigns on the dangers of cyberbullying:

Remember, when you tweet that Roman Reigns is boring, it’s just like punching him in the face for realsies.

Want to know more about the importance of diversity? Well of course, WWE is a shining example of how to embrace it!

Steph is obviously the best at doing these, and the least awkward on film. Also, she does a little dance because these are actual treasures:

Never stop making PSAs, WWE. Never.