The folks on MSNBC’s Morning Joe have been a thorn in the side of Donald Trump for during this election. It wasn’t always the case, of course, and the Morning Joe folks once supported the current GOP nominee until they suddenly turned on him at the beginning of the summer. Since then, host Joe Scarborough has shared rumors on Trump’s nuclear talks and the show has invited plenty of names to criticize the candidate.
The latest on Wednesday’s episode featured former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt and NBC’s Chuck Todd giving a sobering look at the party behind Trump. For Schmidt, the GOP is no longer about issues and focuses more on the “most outrageous statement made by a talk radio host or personality on any given day.” He gives Trump most of the blame here, but Chuck Todd takes it a step further to say that the party has been fully taken over:
“It’s anti-intellectualism, that is what’s taken over the party…
“There’s almost a disdain with some in Trump world that are like, ‘Yeah, so the college-educated crowd isn’t for us.’ There is almost a disdain that they’re embracing about this.”
Todd adds that this is hurting the party and will hurt it down the road. The only unsure part of this claim is where the takeover began for the GOP. It is easy to blame Trump for everything, but the writing for a candidate of his type has been in the works for quite a while. The only real question is if he will be victorious come November or will people latch onto these claims.