Ryback Has Legally Changed His Name To ‘Ryback,’ Because Reasons

Remember in 1993 when The Ultimate Warrior legally changed his name from “Jim Hellwig” to “WARRIOR” (all caps) and won a series of lawsuits that said he could use the name, costume and mannerisms of the character? Well, it looks like former WWE Superstar Ryan Reeves is tired of calling himself “The Big Guy.”

On Monday’s edition of his podcast, Reeves announced that he has legally changed his name to Ryback — not “The” Ryback, sadly — and will be advertising himself as such going forward.

Here’s what he had to say, with a transcription h/t to the Observer:

“It’s not uncharted territory, but it kind of is too in a way. I legally went and changed my name to Ryback, for many reasons, one of which it was one thing that I did not own, and I created and I used before my time with WWE.

And it is something that is associated with my brand and who I am that I am very proud of. So, I went through the proper steps in Clark County in Las Vegas. And it cost a little bit of money, and I go in front of a judge September 1st. But when this airs, you know, hopefully everything is approved and I would be known as Ryback Alan Reeves moving forward.”

You know, “Skip Sheffield” is a much more realistic name. We’ll keep you updated on whether or not this name change will legally clear Ryback to yip yip as the character, and what it legally do.