Omarosa Angrily Deflects When Chris Hayes Asks About Trump’s Birtherism: ‘Shame On You!’

Ahead of the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Omarosa paid a special visit to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. The Apprentice star has been working hard (?) as Trump’s African-American Outreach Director, which has included a bizarre PBS Frontline promo where she says Trump critics will all “bow down” when he’s elected. That’s not a settling thought, nor was Omarosa particularly friendly when Hayes brought up Trump’s longstanding Birtherism.

For five years, the Republican nominee acted as one of the most vigorous proponents of the fringe Birther movement. Less than two weeks ago, he tried to erase his continued questioning of Obama’s citizenship with one sentence, and Hayes asked Omarosa if he’d be explaining himself tonight.

Omarosa was not pleased to be asked about an issue that she considers to be in the past. “Shame on you!” she angrily exclaimed and insisted that the American people would rather focus on serious issues. What followed was a heated argument where Omarosa went on a bit of a tear, which ended with the channel presumably cutting off her mic. Well, if Trump’s answer on the issue — and he will most likely be asked about Birtherism — is anything like Omarosa’s reply, that’s not gonna fly well in front of a national audience.

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