Watch Ben Carson Render CNN’s Brianna Keiler Speechless With His Defense Of Trump’s ‘Locker Room Talk’

Finally, the world shall now hear Ben Carson’s thoughts on Donald Trump’s extremely lewd comments about women. Carson’s been rather subdued lately, since he amused audiences while dashing off to look for his luggage during a recent CNN interview, and he’s largely content to let the other surrogates do the Trump talking. Not that Carson isn’t loyal. He is exceedingly so, and there’s likely a cabinet position waiting in the wings. Secretary of Education has been floated as a possibility. But for now, Carson’s part of Trump’s league of defenders after a lone Rudy Giuliani struck out last weekend.

This newly reunified front — after one hell of an awkward weekend — is likely a counterdefense against the resigned apathy of “endorsers” like Marco Rubio and the outright disgust of Paul Ryan. But Trump supporters shall not fear, for Carson is here to explain the real reason why people are offended by “locker room talk.” In the above video, Carson explains to CNN’s Brianna Keilar — she of the famed “Says Who” interview — why no one should be too troubled over stuff like “grab them by the pussy.” He informs her that she simply hasn’t heard enough dudes bragging about sexual conquests and “trying to make themselves appear, you know, like Don …. Casanova.” Carson was shocked that Keiler doesn’t hear these things all the time and acted like she just fell off the pumpkin truck.

He then concluded, “Maybe that’s the problem.” Keilar couldn’t believe what she was hearing, for Carson was actually dismissing people who were offended by Trump’s talk by saying it happens all the time, so it’s not a big deal. Elsewhere in the segment, Carson admits that Trump’s lashing out at Paul Ryan isn’t the best strategy. Carson believes that Trump’s capable of “easily” winning the election, but that he’ll do so by focusing on issues, not by getting into fights. To be fair, Trump hasn’t fought too much about his locker room talk, just everything else. See Keiler be rendered speechless by Carson below.

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