Listen: Justin Bieber wants to wish you a Happy New Year

We”re playing catch-up here, but Justin Bieber is so sincere is his desire to wish us a Happy New Year, who are we to let a few days” delay stop us?

On “Happy New Year,” a slow jam with Jaden Smith which Bieber tweeted on Dec. 31, Bieber counts down “5-4-3-2-1. Kiss Me.”  Then he advises us that 2012 is a year to be “better, stronger and closer to the people around you,” before suggesting we grab someone special and “you know…”  Every nine-year old Bieber fan is undoubtedly kissing her pillow by this point, pretending it”s Bieber.

[More after the jump…]

Listen to Bieber”s speaking voice as he rhymes and introduces Smith. Sounds like someone got a deeper voice for Christmas.

As far as presents for his fans, Bieber”s latest studio album, “Believe,” which we hope doesn”t include his duet with Carlos Santana on “Let It Be” from “Dick Clark”s Rockin” New Year”s Eve,” will arrive shortly. As we noted in our “25 Most Anticipated Albums of 2012” photo gallery, “Believe” could hit shelves as early as this Spring with potential contributions coming from Kanye West and  fellow Canadian Drake. Bieber recently previewed another track, “Be Alright,” on his “Home For the Holidays” concert special, but added that he wasn’t sure it would be on the new set.

And lest anyone think we”ve bagging on Bieber too much, we totally give him props for being named the second most charitable celebrity of 2011 by He”s behind Lady Gaga, but ahead of such perennial do-gooders as George Clooney, Matt Damon and Coldplay. Given that he”s only 17 (hasn”t he been 17 for five years now?) and that he is encouraging a lot of kids to give back through his various charitable good deeds, we”re Team Bieber for another day.

What do you think about the Biebs’ latest song? 

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