‘Best Friends Forever’ – ‘Pilot’: Girl friend vs. boyfriend?

I make an effort to review as many new sitcoms and dramas as I can, especially the stuff on the networks, but I can’t always see everything, and then there are other times where I simply have nothing to say. NBC’s “Best Friends Forever” fits the latter category. I didn’t think it was good. I didn’t think it was bad. I thought it was… there. It’s a premise pilot, and also one that had to be reshot a good amount when ABC renewed “Happy Endings” and Adam Pally was no longer available to play Lennon Parham’s boyfriend (and was replaced by fellow UCB alum and Pally lookalike Luka Jones), so it’s really hard to get a sense of the style, humor, etc. that Parham and Jessica St. Clair aim to bring on a regular basis. I’ll try to check it out again in a week or two, but tonight, I got nothing.

If anybody watched it, what did you think? Will you be back for it next week?