Press Tour: ‘Gotham’ to feature familiar ‘Batman’ characters

During press tour, FOX Entertainment Chairman Kevin Reilly addressed a flurry of questions (and limited his opening questions with an egg timer, which he ultimately reset). But in the onslaught of information, he confirmed some good news for “Batman” fans. The origin story “Gotham,” which digs into the story of Commissioner James Gordon, is set to staff up in February and head “into script right after that,” according to Reilly. 

Executive-produced and written by “The Mentalist”‘s Bruno Heller and produced by Warner Bros. Television, the show won’t have “a bunch of characters you’ve never heard of,” Reilly promised. “We see Detective Gordon, before he’s a commissioner, all the characters you know, Bruce Wayne, the Penguin, all of them. It’s Gotham teetering on the edge, and we see what makes these characters become who they are, [like] Catwoman. It’s an operatic soap that has a slightly larger-than-life quality to it.”

As far as what Batman will look like, don’t expect to see Bruce Wayne put on the cape right away. Though Reilly says “we’re playing with [age] in casting,” he’ll be a “young boy; my guess would be somewhere around 12.” As to when Wayne puts on the cape? That will be at “the end of the series.”

Are you excited for “Gotham”?