Yael Stone of ‘Orange Is The New Black’ explains Morello’s accent

It”s not that I thought that Yael Stone actually talked like Lorna Morella on “Orange Is The New Black.” Nobody does. It was still disarming and amusing to chat with Stone on the PaleyFest red carpet and to be reminded that she”s actually Australian.

In our brief conversation, we discussed that distinctive voice, as well as Stone”s realization that “Orange Is The New Black” had become a sensation. I also asked if Morello”s much-discussed fiancé Christopher would make an appearance this season, not that I expected any sort of answer.

Check out the full interview above

And you can also read my 11 Things We Learned From the 'Orange Is The New Black' PaleyFest Panel post, plus watch my interview with Danielle “Taystee” Brooks.

And if that”s not enough, dig my interview with Kate Mulgrew and special guest Natasha Lyonne, in which I barely participate at all. It”s below.

And remember: “Orange Is The New Black” returns to Netflix on June 6.