‘Amazing Race’ Exclusive: Brendon and Rachel reverse roles in Sri Lanka

In case you missed it, after last week's “Amazing Race,” I'm now Brendon & Rachel's No.1 Fan!

OK. That's an overstatement, probably, but it's not an overstatement to say that I definitely experienced a wave of affection for Brendon & Rachel after the way the “Big Brother” veterans supported Margie & Luke during last week's tumultuous drink-mixing Detour in Kuala Lumpur. That was good of them. I've got no sarcasm or cynicism when it comes to the way Brendon & Rachel calmed and encouraged Luke in a tough moment.

It's possible, in fact, that Brendon & Rachel have actually changed since we saw them last. There's been minimal crying and almost no shouting to start the season and if you want to see something truly weird, check out this HitFix exclusive clip from Sunday (March 23) night's “Amazing Race” episode.

It involves dancing in Sri Lanka and you may be surprised at how they handle some adversity!

Watch the clip above and come back to HitFix tomorrow night for my recap.