‘Sex Sent Me to the ER’: Watch shower sex go horribly wrong

I'm sure one young couple we meet in this week's episode of  “Sex Sent Me to the ER” (Sat. May 3 at 9:00 p.m. on TLC) had seen some television show or movie that shower sex seem easy. I suspect they did not take into consideration the idea that shower sex on television and in film usually takes place in these big, palatial showers that are larger than some living rooms. Trying it in a small box the way these two do is sort of like filling a coffin with water, standing it upright, and adding water hazards like soap dishes to the mix. So, duh, it doesn't end well in this clip from the show.

But it's not just soggy sex and vaginal bleeding (look, that's a quote) in the episode. Also, a young couple decides to spice things up with a risqué trip to the grocery store and newlyweds are plagued by bad luck that disrupts their honeymoon phase. Amazingly, these people are all fine with being interviewed about this stuff. Think they put it in the Christmas newsletter? Just wondering.