Sex on a backhoe goes very wrong on ‘Sex Sent Me to the ER’

I'm beginning to think one of the main requirements of being an ER doc on the late night shift is an ability to stifle laughter. In this clip from this week's “Sex Sent Me to the ER” (Sat. at 9:00 p.m. on TLC), a middle-aged couple decides to get their groove on behind the wheel of a backhoe. Apparently, for all the rules about operating heavy machinery, no one has specifically ruled out having sex on the equipment — possibly because doing so is so obviously stupid and dangerous. But I guess that's what makes it fun. Or something.

Also in the episode, a doctor struggles to free a man from a painful steel ring stuck on his business, and when a man blacks out during sex his new girlfriend goes into first responder mode to save him. 

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