Pink combined with City & Colour’s Dallas Green for new album: Listen ‘You and Me’

Pink is no stranger to a ballad, but her brand new song “You and Me” picks up an acoustic guitar and swoons over pedal steel, with new duet partner Dallas Green — aka, City and Colour.

Performing under her given name Alecia Moore, the pop star and Green have crafted a 10-song album called “rose ave.” under the name You+Me. “rose ave.” is due on Oct. 14 via RCA. The sentimental lyric video for their song “You and Me” can seen below, and pre-orders for the album come with a download of the single.

“The artists met through Alecia's husband Carey Hart and instantly felt a connection and wanted to work together,” reads a statement from the label. “Alecia invited Dallas to Los Angeles to write a song or two and ended up writing 8 songs together in 1 week. The duo then decided to finish and record an album.”

Just looking at the cover art for the album, we see Pink in a long dress and fedora, with a plaid jacket and she's barefoot. Green's in a cowboy 'fit, staring back through specs, sitting in front of a desert landscape on a porch.

Green — whose penchant for the dramatic has lasted successfully and prettily and painfully over four albums — seems to give Moore some restraint here, both aesthetically and sonically. Whereas his work in Alexisonfire is him at his most extreme, City and Colour give him another emotional outlet. And maybe this album with Moore gives him his mainstream outlet, insofar as a folk or roots oriented record can mainline, a la Civil Wars or the Avett Brothers.

Two of Pink's more successful songs from 2012's “Truth About Love” were collaboarations: Nate Ruess amplified “Just Give Me a Reason” and cheeky “True Love” featured Lily Allen. But it's when she hit the harmonies on the former that may have partly inspired this endeavor. Her vocal range is so powerful, and so extreme, it's nice to hear someone who can play nice and temper her into her gentler tones.

Here is the tracklist for “rose ave.”:

1 Capsized

2 From a Closet in Norway (Oslo Blues)

3 Gently

4 Love Gone Wrong

5 You And Me

6 Unbeliever

7 Second Guess

8 Break The Cycle

9 Open Door

10 No Ordinary Love