The UK has chosen its favorite book-to-film adaptations

To the surprise of no one, Harry Potter has just topped a UK list of fan's favorite book-to-film adaptations. How did your favorites fare?

J.K. Rowling's adaptations also topped a similar list last year. Considering she's British and writer of one of the biggest franchises in history, I would assume Rowling's work will easily continue taking the top spot for years to come. Unless they decide to do a reboot which somehow turns out terrible. Let's not think about that.

According to The Guardian, 32% of 2,000 cinemagoers put Harry Potter at the top of their lists. It's a relatively small sample of people living in the UK, but something tells me it would stay on top even if it were larger. Here's the full list as they voted:

1. The Harry Potter series (JK Rowling)

2. A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)

3. The Shawshank Redemption (Stephen King)

4. The Lord of the Rings saga (JRR Tolkien)

5. James Bond series (Ian Fleming)

6. The Bourne series (Robert Ludlum)

7. The Green Mile (Stephen King)

8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl)

9. The Hobbit (JRR Tolkien)

10. Forrest Gump (Winston Groom)

11. Bridget Jones”s Diary series (Helen Fielding)

12. Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton)

13. The Chronicles of Narnia series (CS Lewis)

14. The Jungle Book (Rudyard Kipling)

15. The Godfather (Maria Puzo)

16. One Flew Over the Cuckoo”s Nest (Ken Kesey)

17. The Hunger Games trilogy (Suzanne Collins)

18. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

19. Alice”s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)

20. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Steig Larsson)

A Christmas Carol didn't make the list from 2015 at all, but Disney and Jon Favreau”s The Jungle Book apparently made a big impression this year. The Sun went a step further and broke down the top entries for men and women writing:

Men tended to favour action movies, with James Bond topping their rankings of the best adaptations. It was followed by Tolkien”s Lord of the Rings saga and the Jason Bourne series. Women preferred supernatural screen adaptations, with Harry Potter and A Christmas Carol coming out on top.

What are your top three?