Everyone relax: we’ll DEFINITELY learn Rey’s parentage in ‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’

The identity of Rey's parents has been a hot topic since before Star Wars: The Force Awakens hit theaters. Will Star Wars: Episode VIII give us the definitive answer?

Ridley did an interview with Vulture recently in which they delved into the topic of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. While she's excited for it to be its own thing, she apparently knows how it ends. I mean, more than the rest of us assume because of the timeline. “I have no idea what happens,” she told them. “I know the ending, but I have no idea really what happens in it.”

Since the focus for Disney right now is on Rogue One, we're not hearing a whole lot about Episode VIII. Adam Driver has said the tone of the film will be different than The Force Awakens and Mark Hamill tried to calm fan fears of Luke Skywalker's demise. Director Rian Johnson has been sharing behind-the-scenes images, which are rad, but fans are still very eager for something definitive. (On a personal level, I'd like the title of the film so I can stop typing Roman numerals.)

There's more than one fan theory that Rey may have a dark lineage and is indeed headed to the Dark Side. Everyone has a different idea and I've come to joke about it because I'd rather we just wait for the film to tell us instead of the press trying to get someone to spill the beans.

Vulture asked Ridley, who's recently wrapped filming on Episode VIII, about this:

When Vulture asked Ridley if [Rogue One's] Jyn was Rey”s mother, she didn”t seem to have considered the question, and worked the timeline out for herself on the spot – suggesting this is not the case, but leaving the possibility open. “I mean, I think historically it wouldn”t work, because she is … Darth Vader is there … so she would ultimately be my great-grandma; no, she would be my grandma,” Ridley said. “I mean it could happen, especially in a galaxy far, far away.”

Then they asked specifically about being related to Obi-Wan Kenobi. “We will see in a year,” Ridley told them. “Just sit tight on that question.”

So in a year's time (or thereabouts considering Episode VIII's release date is December 15, 2017), we'll definitely know who Rey's parents are. Most of us assumed that would be the case but you never know what Hollywood will pull. What are your theories?

(via /Film)