‘Running Wilde’ – ‘The Junior Affair’: More than words

A quick review of last night’s “Running Wilde” coming up just as soon as I ignore the guerillas…

I had hoped that last week’s episode indicated a show that was starting to figure itself out, but the first two thirds of “The Junior Affair” were as airless and laughless as the second episode. Despite having far fewer characters than on “Arrested Development,” it feels like this show is having to rush a lot through its stories and trying too hard to make the jokes work as it races along.

Then we got to the car wash gag, and even there my initial reaction was, “Oh, yes, I get the joke they’re telling here. Steve doesn’t understand that Dan is gay and that what he’s doing will be attractive to him. A comic misunderstanding.” But, as Puddle noted, the thing just kept going, and going, and going, until even my resistance crumbled and I couldn’t help but laugh at Steve obliviously having a water fight with his new boyfriend/father figure.

So between that moment, and Peter Serafinowicz’s uncanny Alan Alda impression, I laughed just enough that “Running Wilde” gets another week from me. But considering that the ratings keep falling, and that the show is already being pre-empted two weeks from now, I’m not sure how many episodes we’re all getting.

What did everybody else think?