Watch: All Jennifer Lopez, no Lil Wayne in ‘I’m Into You’ music video

Because this blog lately has turned into J-Lo News Central, we might as well turn our eyes to the further simplicities of the “American Idol” judge’s newest musical endeavors.

Case in point, the latest video for her “I’m Into You.” Not only is there next to no effort exerted for the sticky, gummy, catchy chorus, but the video concept probably took about 10 seconds to explain.

Jennifer Lopez is featured writing in the water on a sandy beach in Mexico (in an impractical swimsuit cover-up, no less). Jennifer Lopez posing like a model on some stairs. Jennifer Lopez delightfully descending the steps of Chichen Itza in the Yucatan. Here’s one where she has hair like Shakira. Throw a really hot guy (who is not her husband or FEATURED RAPPER Lil Wayne) (William Levy, yowzers) into the mix.

The clip — which debuted on NBC’s “Today” show — makes plain why the 41-year-old is People’s Most Beautiful Woman Of The Year.

“But,” pleaded attending executives at the development meeting, “can we please include something ethnic? Even if it’s a non-sequitur, totally unnecessary and unneeded in this particular capsule?”

The other executives sat thoughtfully, drinking their diamond champagne out of manatee skulls.

“I’m Into You” is on Lopez’ new “Love?”, out tomorrow (May 3).

[Video after the jump…]

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