Isla Fisher talks ‘Great Gatsby’: ‘I was nervous she wouldn’t make an impact’

For anyone who’s watched Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby,” you may know that Isla Fisher’s Myrtle knows how to steal a scene.

For the 37-year-old actress, she was just “nervous she [Myrtle] wouldn’t make an impact.”

But now Fisher’s comfortable with blooming success this year, with an additional leading role in “Now You See Me.”

“To be in two good movies is an actor’s dream,” she told HitFix earlier this month. She talked more about what her favorite shots in “Gatsby” were, in addition to revealing she felt moved by Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” for the “Gatsby” soundtrack.

Check out what else Fisher had to say about the current state of her career. “Now You See Me” is out on Friday. “The Great Gatsby” was released May 10.