16 Moments On ‘The Colbert Report’ That Prove He’s A Bigger Nerd Than You

Over the years Stephen Colbert has proven himself to be versed in all things geeky. From Tolkien to Whedon, Star Wars to Star Trek, and everything in between, he knows them all. Canon story? Got it covered. Extended universes. No sweat. Fanfic alternate realities? You just described his hobby. In fact, 'The Colbert Report' is basically one long homage to geek pop culture. For example…

#1 – He knows the pain and fear of being a Whedonite.


#2 – As the old saying goes, in fanfic show creators can't tell you you're wrong.


#3 – Even Peter Jackson has admitted he is our benevolent leader.


Still not convinced? After the jump find thirteen more pieces of compelling evidence that Colbert is most definitely geek dictator for life.