The latest entry in the “Transformers” franchise, “Transformers: Age of Extinction” is alive and kicking at the box office. The new Michael Bay ode to childhood toys took in $8.7 million dollars at Thursday night showings.
The big question for “Age of Extinction” is if it will take the crown for 2014's biggest opening of the year. To this point, that distinction belongs to “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” For comparison's sake, Cap's second outing took in $10.2 million from Thursday night shows and $95 million for the weekend in total.
If you're looking for a different comparison, “X-Men: Days of Future Past” did $8.1 million in Thursday night shows. It then went on to earn just under $91 million on its opening weekend.
This new “Transformers” jettisoned Shia LaBeouf in the lead role, with Mark Wahlberg stepping in as the lead non-robot. It is somewhat difficult to compare this movie's box office numbers with the first three, as this is the first one to not open on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Keep checking back for more numbers from the film's opening weekend and Look for box office updates every Saturday and Sunday morning on HitFix.